Tagged with Parents

Lettre morte

Since I have just finished a 40-page draft, and taken care of some housekeeping issues, I felt like I had earned some rights to goof around. What makes me feel incredible stupid is that every chapter of my dissertation revolves around a rather self-evident, if not at all silly, idea, that is, it appears self-evident … Continue reading

Amuser et instruire

As a new arrival in the blogging community, I can certainly learn from my friends’ experience so I can achieve the most (or so I think) with the least nuisance. Coming from a background of humanists, I do not know that many geek friends. They probably regard my knowledge and know-how as woefully inadequate. But … Continue reading

Je voudrais mon steak bleu

So, wow, Ricky Martin is gay. How surprising! Still, I bet his coming out is more noteworthy than the revelation of many secret marriages of Hong Kong celebrities, with the latest fallout being that of Charlene Choi and Ronald Cheng. Marriage is, by and large, a social institution. You get wed because you want people … Continue reading