Tagged with Animoto

Mais stranger things have happened, non?

Yes, please click the above photo or link to play the picture show! Around this time last year, I had the privilege to share Alice and Jeff’s matrimonial joy, in my capacity of friend, witness, Best Man, self-appointed back up photographer… Such arrangement can be quite confusing, and hence the following comments from my friend … Continue reading

There’s a new world arriving… on Cathay!

我和你編 新經典 創你與我的傳奇 投入眼前 新經典 on Cathay! I shipped my sister’s (and my former) cat, Mol, to Hong Kong from Chicago-O’Hare with United Airlines in 2004. The agents on the phone gave helpful and straightforward instructions, and at O’Hare, the dogs (on that day, many were heading for Okinawa, Japan, to be sent to military … Continue reading