Tagged with History

Young at Heart

It was a simple dish. Roasted baby corn in husks, with salt and pepper on the side for dipping. I had this dish in a small seafood restaurant tucked away between two residential buildings in an alley off Yanji Street in Taipei’s East District. That evening my friends, partner, and I had far more tastier … Continue reading

Estado Plurinacional

There are not that many fairly recent books on Bolivian society and history in English, and even fewer on her literature and arts. So it is no surprise that almost every anglophone reader would grab a copy of Herbert Klein’s A Concise History of Bolivia as a handy reference, should one find the history section … Continue reading

Amuser et instruire

As a new arrival in the blogging community, I can certainly learn from my friends’ experience so I can achieve the most (or so I think) with the least nuisance. Coming from a background of humanists, I do not know that many geek friends. They probably regard my knowledge and know-how as woefully inadequate. But … Continue reading

Je voudrais mon steak bleu

So, wow, Ricky Martin is gay. How surprising! Still, I bet his coming out is more noteworthy than the revelation of many secret marriages of Hong Kong celebrities, with the latest fallout being that of Charlene Choi and Ronald Cheng. Marriage is, by and large, a social institution. You get wed because you want people … Continue reading